We are so close! Building an MVP (Minimal Viable Product) is both exciting & excruciating. As the non-technical founder, all you can do is support anything else besides actually building the product. But, as every founder knows, that’s just as important, right?

As the development team grinds away, fixes bugs, & codes on the fly, someone needs to drum up support for the app release. Every blog post, every social media blast, and every operational task matters to the organization’s target of building something that helps people. If you are in a similar boat, just imagine how cool a 10,000-person waitlist would be as you build the product. That’s what we are doing. 

As an update, we have finished or are working on the following:

  1. Liking and Reviewing
  2. Sharing
  3. Optimization of uploading
  4. Advertisements
  5. Viewing experience

Again, most of it is finished. We are just running a few more tests to ensure a smooth product. As the development team works on those features, the non-technical team is gearing up for one of the best, most exciting moments of Tempo:

  1. Enlisting Creators & Brands
  2. Securing Funding
  3. Business Partnerships
  4. Marketing Campaigns
  5. Accelerator Homework
  6. Enjoying the process with the whole team

All of these business tasks are currently essential. A good thing I’m learning right now is that truly, your network is invaluable. It’s a pleasure to help out the people you know best. As always, thanks for reading. I hope you learn something. If not, maybe you can teach something. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to build a course! Calling all subject-matter experts, educators, and passionate people. If you have something to teach, let us know. We will be happy to show you Tempo.

If you are interested in working with us, reach out! We could use another backend developer. 

Keep a lookout for Tempo’s big release in the coming weeks. It’s worth it. I promise you (especially if you are an informative creator)!

I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes that’s agreeable to most innovators:

“If I had asked the public what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse.“ – Henry Ford (1863 – 1947), Founder of Ford Motor Company

#socialdiscovery #tempo #tempospace #temponaut #ageofcuration #contentcurator #shortformcontent
